This is a copy of my post to a message thread in the Pharaoh Heaven's Forums on book recommendations. These are some I have enjoyed and recommend (I have not yet been to Egypt, so these are from my "armchair" perspective):


  The mysteries by Elizabeth Peters, an apparently prolific writer who has several names, but this is the one she uses for her mysteries set in Egypt. The author is a Ph.D. in Egyptology, and these mysteries of hers involve archaeologists in Egypt. While I normally prefer books written from the male perspective, she does such a good job that I confess to enjoying them.  :)
  -The Jackal's Head, a more modern (1960's) mystery set in Egypt, with archaeologists.
  -The Amelia Peabody series. I believe these are set in the late 1800's. I have not read them all, but I recommend beginning with Crocodile on the Sandbank, since that is the first book, where the main characters meet.

Other recommendations
  If you're out in Las Vegas, I recommend visiting the recreation of the tomb of Tutankhamun they have in the basement of the Luxor pyramid/casino. For a few bucks you can tour a beautiful reconstruction with a narration furnished by cassette and headphones.


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